HATEOAS and Hypertext Application Language

Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State. This is the lofty goal an API developer should aspire to. By embedding URLs in your response a client application doesn’t need to know details about the API such as how to paginate or where to find a referenced resource. By default Doctrine in Apigility creates canonical self referential links for every entity in a response. This is a big step for an API and you get it for free with Doctrine in Apigility.

Hypertext Application Language (HAL) is the dialect of JSON which Apigility speaks. The notable properties of HAL are self referential _links and an _embedded sections in each entity response (_embedded included only when an entity has referenced data). The _links array can be modified by the programmer as the resource is composed thereby allowing custom links to be included with the response. For instance a link to the audit trail for a resource may be included along with the canonical self referential link.

Computed Data

Often it’s useful to include computed data with an entity response. You can do this by attaching to the renderEntity.post event in your Module.php file

  use Zend\EventManager\Event;
  use Zend\EventManager\EventInterface;

  public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $e)
      $app = $e->getTarget();
      $this->container = $app->getServiceManager();
      $sharedEvents = $this->container->get('SharedEventManager');
      $sharedEvents->attach('ZF\Hal\Plugin\Hal', 'renderEntity.post', array($this, 'onRenderEntityPost'));

  public function onRenderEntityPost(Event $e)
      $objectManager = $this->container->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
      $entity = $e->getParam('entity');

      switch (get_class($entity->getEntity())) {
          case 'Db\Entity\Artist':
              $queryBuilder = $objectManager->createQueryBuilder();
                  ->from('Db\Entity\Performance', 'p')
                  ->innerJoin('p.artist', 'a')
                  ->andWhere('a.id = :id')
                  ->setParameter('id', $entity->getEntity()->getId())
              $payload = $e->getParam('payload');
              $payload['_computed'] = array(
                  'performance' => array(
                      'count' => $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(),


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